Flight log
Hour 35: Solo circuit training
I had an internal debate about writing this log, because this flight did not happen. I planned to do a mid-day solo circuit flight (just like for Hour 34), but only managed to taxi to the runup bay before ATC asked me to return to parking due to problems with their radio. I decided to write this log because it is a good example of uncommon but entirely possible aerodrome equipment issues that pilots must be able to deal with.

Full-length video for Hour 35 Cancelled.
There isn't much to say about this flight, other than that it only had a ground component. It started like any other flight. Pre-flight inspection, clearances, startup and taxi to the runup bay were all done to standard.
At the runup bay I received a call from ATC (00:14:18) advising me of issues with their radio. As a result, they could not clear me for circuits, although I could depart to the training area if I wanted.
Although a departure to the training area was very tempting, I doubt that Bob would approve. So, after getting clarification from the ATC about how to return to parking, I taxied back, and parked the airplane.
I asked for return taxi clarification because of the ongoing works on some of the airport's taxi ways.
So, that was it for today!
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Shorter and narrated video for Hour 35 Cancelled (Coming soon).