Flight log
Flight 50: Circuits checkride followed by solo, Cessnock C172
This is my first flight since the engine failure at takeoff last week. I'm in VH-SXI, a Cessna 172. On this flight, I start with a circuits check-ride and then go solo. My instructor cut the solo short on the second circuit because my landings needed improvement.

Full-length video for Flight 50.
My new instructors teach a different landing technique than the one I have been using. With this technique, the pilot uses a lot more rudder to pitch the plane up while floating over the runway with power on idle. As more and more rudder is used, the pitch increases, the airspeed decreases until a stall occurs, and the airplane touches down softly on the main wheels.
This technique reduces the airplane's energy and speed and ensures that the main wheels touch well before the front wall.
My landings are typically flat, which means that all three wheels tend to touch down simultaneously. The front wheel is not designed to take the shock of the landing and should only touch down at a lower speed and softly to prevent damage.
My solo starts at 30:10 in the video.
The goal of this flight was to fly circuits solo. But before doing so, my instructor had to check that I could fly safely in the circuits (spacing, speed, communications) and that my landings were acceptable using the high attitude technique.
Aside from the landings, my circuits were good. However, I still need to practice landings.
In this session, I completed three solo circuits. In Flight 51, my instructor planned to set up a session where I could first practice stalls in the training area and then returne to pu to the aerodromt my stalls knowledge to practice on landings.
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Shorter and narrated video for Flight 50 (Coming soon).